The adventures of Captain Underpants: An Epic Novel ; By Pilkey, Dav,

Format:When George and Harold hypnotize their principal into thinking that he is the superhero Captain Underpants, he leads them to the lair of the nefarious Dr. Diaper, where they must defeat his evil robot henchmen.
ISBN:0590846272 | 0
LCCN: 96037544 /AC
Publisher:New York : Blue Sky Press,
Physical Details: 117 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Record No.:14216
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
02. English Fiction F PIL Greenfield Elementary School 2024-06-20 GREE7841
02. English Fiction F PIL Vernon River Consolidated School 2024-01-19 VRCS11171
02. English Fiction F PIL West Kent Elementary School 2023-03-09 WKXX14639
02. English Fiction F PIL Alberton Elementary School 2019-12-12 ACES12668
02. English Fiction F PIL West Kent Elementary School 2018-11-27 WKXX21693
02. English Fiction F PIL Alberton Elementary School 2021-01-25 ACES12335
02. English Fiction F PIL Donagh Regional School 2019-10-23 DONA14370
02. English Fiction F PIL Queen Elizabeth Elementary School 2018-10-10 QEES20282
02. English Fiction F PIL Miscouche Consolidated School 2022-03-08 MSXX8830
02. English Fiction F PIL Belfast Consolidated School 2011-04-12 BCSX9519
02. English Fiction F PIL Vernon River Consolidated School 2013-10-21 VRCS8308
02. English Fiction F PIL Belfast Consolidated School 2010-06-09 BCSX4995
02. English Fiction F PIL Amherst Cove Consolidated School 2021-11-01 ACCX10745
02. English Fiction F PIL Georgetown Elementary School 2016-05-24 GGTN6272
02. English Fiction F PIL Souris Consolidated School 2010-05-19
02. English Fiction F PIL M.E. Callaghan Intermediate School 2017-11-30 MECS5298
02. English Fiction F PIL Bloomfield Elementary School 2016-04-01 a3151100008889700b