Lily's crossing / ; By Giff, Patricia Reilly.

Format:During a summer spent at Rockaway Beach in 1944, Lily's friendship with a young Hungarian refugee causes her to see the war and her own world differently.
LCCN: 96023021 /AC
Publisher:New York : Delacorte,
Physical Details: 180 p. ; 22 cm.
Record No.:15701
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
02. English Fiction F GIF Summerside Intermediate School 2023-06-27 SISX25851
02. English Fiction F GIF Southern Kings Consolidated School 2017-02-24 SKCS9845
02. English Fiction F GIF Spring Park Elementary School 2021-06-30 SPES24320
02. English Fiction F GIF East Wiltshire Intermediate School 2021-06-29 EWSX13114
02. English Fiction F GIF Amherst Cove Consolidated School 2015-08-28 ACCX8092
02. English Fiction F GIF Souris Consolidated School 2010-05-19
02. English Fiction F GIF Cardigan Consolidated School 2016-04-25 CARD10932
02. English Fiction F GIF Montague Intermediate School 2020-02-04 MISX3266
02. English Fiction F GIF Greenfield Elementary School 2021-06-25 GREE11647
02. English Fiction F GIF LM Montgomery Elementary School 2014-05-12 LMMS14122
02. English Fiction F GIF LM Montgomery Elementary School 2009-09-08 LMMS18235
02. English Fiction F GIF Teachers' Resource Network 2013-10-09 TRNX20125
02. English Fiction F GIF Teachers' Resource Network 2012-01-16 TRNX20135
02. English Fiction F GIF Souris Regional School 2021-03-12 SRHS19492