Can't look away / ; By Cooner, Donna D.

Format:Sixteen-year-old Torrey Grey's YouTube videos on fashion and beauty for teenagers were famous, but when her younger sister is killed by a drunk driver during a filming her world falls apart--cyber bullies are attacking her, her father moves them to Texas, and she does not know who to trust at her new school or whether her cousin is really a friend.
Physical Details: 264 pages ; 22 cm.
Record No.:344482
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
02. English Fiction F COO Summerside Intermediate School 2023-10-11 SISX23926
02. English Fiction F COO Queen Charlotte Intermediate School 2022-11-09 QCHS20957
02. English Fiction F COO Athena Consolidated School 2024-04-03 ACSX21990
02. English Fiction F COO Amherst Cove Consolidated School 2024-11-12 ACCX12724