The beast from the east / ; By Stine, R. L.

Format:Ginger and her twin brothers Nat and Pat are lost in the woods. They meet the beasts -- big blue furry creatures.
ISBN:0590568809 (pb
Publisher:New York : Scholastic Inc.,
Physical Details: 118 p. ; 20 cm.
Notes:"An Apple paperback." | "A Parachute Press book."
Record No.:382364
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
02. English Fiction Vernon River Consolidated School 2020-07-16
02. English Fiction F STI Queen Elizabeth Elementary School 2020-03-03 QEES22213
02. English Fiction F STI Stratford Elementary 2023-06-13 STRA36313
02. English Fiction F STI Alberton Elementary School 2021-11-30 ACES11799
02. English Fiction F STI Parkside Elementary School 2023-06-09 PSXX27459
02. English Fiction F STI Queen Elizabeth Elementary School 2022-12-01 QEES22153
02. English Fiction F STI Amherst Cove Consolidated School 2022-01-10 ACCX12048
02. English Fiction F STI Sherwood Elementary School 2023-05-10 SHER23988
02. English Fiction F STI LM Montgomery Elementary School 2024-11-18 2024-11-06 LMMS32732
02. English Fiction F TWEEN STI Gulf Shore Consolidated School 2022-10-05 GULF17485