Game changer / ; By Greenwald, Tom,

Format:While thirteen-year-old Teddy fights for his life after a football injury at training camp, his friends and family gather to support him and discuss events leading to his coma.
LCCN: 2017055217
Publisher:New York : Scholastic ,
Physical Details: ix, 287 pages ; 21 cm.
Record No.:398364
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
02. English Fiction F GRE Miscouche Consolidated School 2020-03-06 msxx10902
02. English Fiction F GRE Greenfield Elementary School 2024-03-11 GREE5187
02. English Fiction F GRE Queen Charlotte Intermediate School 2022-11-09 QCHS23506
02. English Fiction F GRE Souris Regional School 2024-05-06 SRHS21744
02. English Fiction F GRE Prince Street Elementary School 2023-03-15 PRIN17475
02. English Fiction F GRE Central Queens Elementary School 2022-07-05 cqes14297
02. English Fiction F GRE Eliot River Elementary School 2024-10-28 2024-10-07 ERES44471
02. English Fiction F GRE Vernon River Consolidated School 2021-02-19 VRCS11046
02. English Fiction F GRE Mt. Stewart Consolidated School 2020-03-13 MSCS13044
02. English Fiction F GRE Amherst Cove Consolidated School 2024-05-08 ACCX12953